Postdoctoral work
- Larval zebrafish as a model for studying individual variability in translational neuroscience research. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience, June 23.
Elina A. K. Jacobs & Soojin Ryu (2023)
Pubmed (tbc) PDF
My postdoc journey has been an interesting one, and in many ways not what I expected at all.
My first position, a collaboration between Yoh Isogai’s lab at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, and Martin Meyer’s lab at KCL, was cut short by the Covid19 pandemic in 2020 and by one of my collaborator’s decision to leave academia. I then joined Soojin Ryu’s lab and started working remotely because the pandemic was still ongoing, but then developed such severe health problems (chronic migraine) that I couldn’t continue experimental work yet again, and ultimately decided it would be better for me to take a break from full-time scientific/academic work to focus on my health and get better. I still love science as much as ever, and hope to be able to return to science & academia in the future.
PhD work
- Cortical state fluctuations during sensory decision-making. Current Biology, 30, 4944-4955.
Elina A. K. Jacobs, Nicholas A. Steinmetz, Andrew J. Peters, Matteo Carandini, Kenneth D. Harris (2020)
Pubmed PDF preprint - High-yield methods for accurate two-alternative visual psychophysics in head-fixed mice. Cell Reports, 20, 2513-2524.
Christopher P. Burgess, Armin Lak, Nicholas A. Steinmetz, Peter Zatka-Haas, Charu Bai Reddy, Elina A. K. Jacobs, Jennifer F. Linden, Joseph J. Paton, Adam Ranson, Sofia Soares, Sylvia Schröder, Miles J. Wells, Lauren E. Wool, Kenneth D. Harris, Matteo Carandini (2017)
Pubmed PDF preprint - Aberrant neocortical activity in certain GCamp6-expressing transgenic mice. eNeuro, 0207-17.2017.
Nicholas A. Steinmetz, Christina Buetfering, Jerome Lecoq, Christian R. Lee, Andrew J. Peters, Elina A. K. Jacobs, Philip Coen, Douglas R. Ollerenshaw, Matthew T. Valley, Saskia E. J. De Vries, Marina Garrett, Jun Zhuang, Peter A. Groblewski, Sahar Manavi, Jesse Miles, Casey White, Eric Lee, Fiona Griffin, Joshua D. Larkin, Kate Roll, Sissy Cross, Thuyanh V. Nguyen, Rachael Larsen, Julie Pendergraft, Tanya Daigle, Bosiljka Tasic, Carol L. Thompson, Jack Waters, Shawn Olsen, David J. Margolis, Hongkui Zeng, Michael Hausser, Matteo Carandini, Kenneth D. Harris (2017)
Pubmed PDF preprint - Neural correlates of social influence on risk perception during development. Social Neuroscience, 15, 355-367.
Lisa J. Knoll, Annie Gaule, Alberto Lazari, Elina A. K. Jacobs, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (2020)
Pubmed PDF
I was on the Wellcome Trust Neuroscience PhD programme at UCL, which meant I had the great fortune of doing three rotations in different labs before choosing where I wanted to do my PhD.
My work from two of those rotations contributed to two publications (Burgess et al. 2017 and Knoll et al. 2020), another publication came from the surprising discovery from my PhD lab that the transgenic mice we (including me) were using were prone to a type of epileptic activity (Steinmetz et al. 2017), and then of course there is the product of my PhD labour itself, which we packed into one big paper (which at some point in the review process had 25 figures I think): Jacobs et al. 2020
Wherever there was a preprint before the peer-reviewed publication, I’m providing links to both versions of the papers, in case anyone is curious how the peer reviewing changed the figures and contents.
- The role of RNA Structure in Posttranscriptional Regulation of Gene Expression. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 39, 535-543.
Elina Jacobs, James D. Mills & Michael Janitz (2012)
Pubmed PDF
I was very fortunate when I was on exchange at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. They had an option of doing a research module as a course, which I enthusiastically opted into, the nerd that I am. I was doubly lucky that the person I asked if they would be willing to take me on as their student for a semester didn’t just say yes, but pretty much during our first meeting asked me what I wanted to do after my undergraduate degree. When I told him I wanted to do a PhD, he said that it would give me a competitive advantage if I had a publication under my belt, and he had just been asked to write a review for a journal. Would I be interested in writing it with him? Obviously I said yes.
It was a combination of terrifying and gratifying, as I definitely didn’t think I had a clue what I was doing, but thankfully I had made friends during a summer volunteering programme at the university that were already doing PhDs and they were kind enough to help me out and encourage me. Thus it came to be that before I even graduated from my BSc, I had the thrill of seeing my own words printed in a scientific journal.